Vermont Dental Hygienist Salary

As of 2013, there were 570 dental hygienists in Vermont, giving the state a level of employment at 1.90 per 1,000 residents. The dental hygienist profession is in a period of growth in Vermont, with an expected increase of 18% employment opportunities between the years 2012 and 2022. The average increase in jobs per year is about 20.

Hourly Wage and Annual Salary Data for Dental Hygienists in Vermont

The Vermont Department of Labor has compiled the following wage and salary data for dental hygienists across the state:

  • Entry-level: $52,200 per year ($25.12 per hour) – $58,200 per year ($28.00 per hour)
  • Average – $67,5300 per year ($32.47 per hour)
  • Experienced: $74,600 per year ($35.86 per hour) – $87,700 per year ($42.18 per hour)

Dental hygienists must apply for licensure through Vermont’s Office of Professional Regulation (OPR). The OPR handles more than 58,000 total licensees throughout the state, including all medical licenses. The OPR and its subcommittees are responsible for licensing, disciplining, and upholding the proper standards of dental hygienists and many other professionals.

A more complete look at the hourly wage and salary data for Vermont can be found on this table from the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

Area name
Annual mean wage
Burlington-South Burlington VT
Southern Vermont nonmetropolitan area
Northern Vermont nonmetropolitan area