Category Archives: Uncategorized

Salivary Diagnostics in Dental Practices

RHD interviewed oral hygiene expert Karen Davis on risk assessments that prevent dental disease. One of the questions was on how salivary diagnostics can aid in the instruction of home care practices. Davis replied that it is “phenomenally common” to …

Soda and Fruit Juices are a Threat to Dental Health

A recent study published by British researchers in the Journal of Public Health Dentistry linked severe and moderate dental erosion to a high consumption of soda and fruit juice. While soda is an obvious culprit, even fruit juices that say …

Scholarship Opportunities for Dental Hygienist Students

A number of organizations offer financial assistants for students obtaining training to be a dental hygienist. One of the more prominent ones is The American Dental Association (ADA), which offers scholarships for aspiring dental hygienists through its Allied Dental Student …